Using Upper & Lower Price Target Alerts

3 min readDec 8, 2021

Buying and selling cryptocurrency is not a blind guessing game. Or at least, not if you want to make a profit. Any form of online trading, whether it be stocks, commodities or cryptocurrency, requires an element of skill, research and even some luck. Whether or not a crypto coin crashes tomorrow is hard to predict, but what can help you decide to make a move (whether that’s buying a coin or selling it) are crypto alerts.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Before we talk about buying and selling crypto for profit, it’s important to understand what cryptocurrency is.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency. It is a revolutionary way of transacting finances that has become increasingly mainstream in recent years. Early investors in crypto have benefited from multi-million dollar profits with its unprecedented increase in popularity (and value) over the past decade. But that doesn’t mean you’re late to the party. In fact, cryptocurrency is still in its early days and expected to be far more mainstream over the coming years.

Investing in cryptocurrency now is smart. But only if you have the tools and knowledge prior to investing. We want to help you with that. We offer real-time crypto alerts to give you cutting edge insights into the crypto market — today.

What is a Crypto Alert?

When it comes to online cryptocurrency trading, timing is everything. You must act quickly if you want to utilize the best possible trading opportunities. Even the most seasoned crypto trader can lose big if they don’t keep an eye on the market and make trades strategically.

Setting crypto alerts can mean you receive real-time updates to your device about your chosen crypto coins. There are thousands of coins you can invest in, and we monitor a staggering 8,000 coins (and counting). This means, the chances are, whichever coin you choose, we will have data on.

What is a lower price limit alert?

One of the alerts we offer at Just Alerts is a lower and higher price limit alert. But what does this mean?

A lower price limit refers to a lower value your coin must meet in order to receive an alert. Setting a lower price limit alert has two advantages. Firstly, if you have an investment in a particular coin, you want to make sure that it does not fall below the lower value levels set by your custom account. If it does, you could end up losing money, or even making a loss on your original investment. Once you receive an alert to say this lower price limit has been reached, you might want to sell your coin or monitor it very closely. The other advantage of setting a lower price limit is that you might be monitoring a coin you want to invest in but haven’t done so yet. Waiting for a coin to reach a lower value could be strategically smart, as the coin could then increase in value again, giving you a rapid profit.‍

What is a higher Price Limit Alert?

Much the same as a lower price limit lets you select the lowest price you want your coin to reach, a higher price limit refers to the highest price you want the coin to reach before receiving an alert. This might be the perfect selling point, giving you the profit you wanted before the coin decreases in value again.‍

Setting up a Just Alerts account is easy. You receive a 7-day trial to help you set up your custom crypto alerts and play with the different features. You can then see for yourself just how quick and easy it is to receive instant alerts about your chosen coins.




We retrieve real-time crypto prices for 11,992 cryptocurrencies and check for pricing triggers more than 8 times per second.